Click the button
or select menu item <Data><Formula> to create this kind of graphs.
This will cause the Formula dialog box show, where you can modify properties of graph
(formula, range of parameters u and v, color, width and so on).
It is possible to draw families of lines with a given step of parameter v.
a + b | |
a - b | |
a * b | |
a / b | |
a ^ b (a to the power of b) |
Sine, the angle 'u' must be in units of radians. | |
Sine, the angle 'u' must be in units of degrees. | |
Sine of 2pi*n*u | |
Cosine | |
Cosine, the angle 'u' must be in units of degrees. | |
Cosine of 2pi*n*u | |
Haversine of u, hav(u) = (1-cos(u))/2 | |
Haversine, the angle 'u' must be in units of degrees. | |
Tangent | |
Tangent, the angle 'u' must be in units of degrees. | |
Sine(u)/u | |
Inverse sine | |
Inverse cosine | |
Inverse tangent | |
Converts an angle measured in degrees to the equivalent number of radians. | |
Exponent (i.e e to the power of u) | |
Natural logarithm (base e) | |
Logarithm base 10 | |
u to the power of v | |
Square root | |
u!, if u value is not an integer, it is truncated. | |
Hyperbolic sine | |
Hyperbolic cosine | |
Hyperbolic tangent | |
Hyperbolic arc sine | |
Hyperbolic arc cosine | |
Hyperbolic arc tangent | |
Bessel functions of the first kind: orders 0, 1, and n, respectively | |
Bessel functions of the second kind: orders 0, 1, and n, respectively | |
The polynomials: orders 0, 1, and n, respectively | |
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind: 1, u, 2u^2-1, 4u^3-3u,... | |
The Legendre polynomials: 1, u, (3u^2-1)/2, (5u^3-3u)/2,... | |
The Laguerre polynomials: 1, 1-u, (4u^2-4u+2)/2, (-u^3+9u^2-18u+6)/6,... | |
The Hermite polynomials: 1, 2u, 4u^2-2, 8u^3-12u,... | |
The Neumann polynomials: 1, 1/u, 1/u^2, (u^2+4)/u^3,... | |
Integral( x^(u-1)*exp(-x) ), with x limits from 0 to infinite | |
The natural logarithm of gamma function | |
Integral( x^(u-1)*(1-x)^(v-1) ) with x limits from 0 to 1 | |
exp( -u*u/4/v/v )/v/sqrt(2*pi) | |
exp( -ln(u)*ln(u)/4/v/v )/v/sqrt(2*pi) | |
Returns the area under the Gaussian probability density function, integrated from minus infinity to u. | |
v*exp(-v*u) | |
1 - exp(-v*u)
The formula is the integral from 0 to u value of expdist(u, v). |
exp(-v)*v^u/u!, if u value is not an integer, it is truncated. | |
Returns the sum of the first v terms of the Poisson distribution. | |
Returns the sum of the terms v+1 to infinity of the Poisson distribution. | |
The error function ERF(u). | |
The complementary error function returns the complementary ERF function integrated between u and infinity. | |
Returns the area under the left hand tail (from 0 to u) of the Chi square probability density function with v degrees of freedom. | |
Returns the area under the right hand tail (from u to infinity) of the Chi square probability density function with v degrees of freedom. | |
0.5*ln((1+u)/(1-u)), the Fisher transformation at u | |
(exp(2u) - 1)/(exp(2u) + 1), the inverse Fisher transformation | |
Absolute value | |
Integer part of u | |
Maximum of u and v | |
Minimum of u and v | |
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to u. | |
Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to u. | |
Returns the value of the argument u rounded to the nearest int value. | |
Calculates the floating-point remainder f of u / v such that u = i * v + f, where i is an integer. | |
Calculates the expression sqrt(u*u + v*v). | |
Sign of u. If u is less than 0, the value of the function is -1. If u is equal to 0, the value of the function is 0. If u is greater than 0, the value of the function is 1. | |
Step function. If u is less than v, the value of the function is 0. If u is greater than or equal to v, the value of the function is 1. If you need a function which is 1 up to a certain value and then 0 beyond that value, use the expression step(v,u). | |
If u is equal to v, the value of the function is 1, else 0 | |
If u is equal to 0, the value of the function is 1, else 0 | |
If u is less than 0, the value of the function is 1, else 0 | |
If u is greater than 0, the value of the function is 1, else 0 | |
Random number generator, generates a random floating point number such that 0 ≤ Result < u | |
(1 + u/v)^v - 1, financial function.
u is the nominal interest rate, v is the number of compounding periods per year. |
3.141592654 | |
2.718281828 |
See example.